This is the story of the endangered Western Leopard Toad and a little wetland. Once an important breeding ground, this humble Cape wetland was filled–in in the 1960s, a disaster for toads and other wildlife. In 2012, a local environmentalist, Wally, was spurred on by Sam, the toad who shared his garden, to save the wetland.
Linda, a lover of all creatures great and small, was commissioned by the Sunday Times / Nal‘ibali literacy drive to write a story about the critically endangered Western Leopard Toad. It was launched at the Franschhoek Literary Festival and distributed to primary schools all over South Africa. This book tackles the impact development has on wetlands and how caring and determination can help to save a species.
Soft cover, 24 pages
Published: (August 2013)
Book Measures: 25 x 21cm
Age Range: 3 – 7 years
“This delightful book with its wonderful rhymes and pictures is a celebration of our Western Cape fauna and the good that determined people can do.” Vivien Horler, Assistant Editor, Cape Argus
“How I love a story with a happy ending, especially one involving animals. This is just such a story and one which shows the importance of getting stuck in and making a difference instead of complaining or hoping someone else will do it. Go Wally!” Lesley Byram, Cape Times