Getting your kids back into work mode after the festive season has ended can be a challenge if you aren’t prepared!
These are our top 10 tips for kicking starting a new academic year in an organised fashion. The more prepared you are, the more prepared your child will be.
1) Back to school supplies
Get the list of school supplies, books and technology that your child will need well in advance and then hit the shops before the masses. A last minute dash to the shop could end in tears.
2) Organise their calendar
Structure is key and it is important they get into a routine early on. Encourage responsibility by making sure they understand their time table and what is required of them everyday. It is important that parents also know what’s happening and when, so copy the important dates to your own calendar too. A Tidy Books ForgetMeNot Notice Board, will ensure your mornings run smoothly.
3) Extra mural activities
Have a realistic plan of the extra-curricular activities that your child will be involved in. Make sure you don’t over-schedule and they don’t end up doing too much! Help them to manage their time. Give them priorities and discuss a workable after-school schedule that also allows time for relaxation and play.
4) Getting dressed
Encourage your child to lay out their school clothes and pack their school bag the night before so they have everything ready. Establish rules that help get them into the habit of being tidy with their uniform and emptying their school bag when they get home, so their bedroom floor doesn’t turn into a dumping ground. A set routine will go some way to ensure there are no surprises the next morning!
5) Set the clock
Get routine-ready a few days before school starts. You can practice your morning rituals by getting up earlier as if it were a school day to avoid a complete shock to everyone’s system on the first day back. A regular morning routine is just as important as an evening routine. Some parents set their clocks forward 10 minutes to make it easier to be on time and set the breakfast table ready the night before. Get up before your kids. You are likely to get yourself ready quicker plus you can then give them your full attention.
6) Lunch box inspiration
Thinking of healthy and exciting packed lunch fillings can be a daily challenge. Do some research online in advance and look for some simple, fast and tasty ideas to bring new life to the dreaded lunchbox so you can keep your kids happy!
7) Set some goals
Depending on the age of your child, set some realistic goals such as the number of books they will read per term. Select no more than three achievable goals and work towards them together. These could be academic, sport, social or family goals.
8) Manage screen time
We all know that too much screen time isn’t good for kids but healthy screen time habits don’t always come easy. It is really important to set some parameters, decide what the rules are and then stick to them – especially during term time. As parents try to set a good example with your own device use and provide them with alternatives.
9) Communicate
Be interested in your child’s school day. High parental involvement can positively influence children’s educational goals and academic outcomes. Regardless of your child’s age, keep in mind that the quality of frequent but small positive conversations you have with your child over time outweigh the importance of lengthy, drawn-out conversations. Make time to talk about what they’ve done and who’ve they’ve played with. Try to remember those names and use them in future conversations.
10) Be a great role model
If you are active in a child’s life, then you are one of their role models. The single most important aspect of being your children’s role model is to always say what you mean and mean what you say. In other words, walk the talk!
So as you can see your child isn’t the only one who has a lot to learn when going back to school! So… relax, take everything in your stride and enjoy the new experiences on offer for both of you.